Dutch lessons


What to expect
Apostrophes offers Dutch language courses for students and professionals at all levels. The courses (1 hour or 1,5 hours) are based on your personal goals, skills & availability. You learn to speak Dutch during private lessons or lessons in a small group (maximum 3 persons), so you will progress quickly. If you are interesed, just send an e-mail for a free intake (30 minutes). You are always welcome for a cup of coffee and a chat!

Private lessons: €35,= per hour
Group lessons (up to 3 people): €45,= per hour (= €15,- per person)
In-company training: fees to be negotiated

Agnes Millies-Lacroix Maas
E-mail: apostrophes@upcmail.nl
Location: Wageningen
Tel: 0317 - 840 331
Cell Phone: 06 18 64 65 55